Mental Health in the Soviet Era – Psychiatric Hospitals, Dispensers, Moscow's influence and Human Rights Violations
Though more and more often we talk about emotional health and its importance in a full-fledged life, till nowadays we still flinch while hearing about mental illnesses or psychiatrists. This attitude is partly formed by the Soviet Era when the government was trying to convince people that all psychosocial problems were eradicated, therefore any mental disorder could lie only in the human brain. Due to the influence of the Moscow school which was based on these principles, biological treatment methods dominated in Lithuanian medicine until the 1990s, thus it limited the chances of many patients to recover.
Psichinė sveikata sovietmečiu – apie ligonines, dispanserius, Maskvos įtaką ir žmogaus teisių pažeidimus
Nors šiandien psichologai ir psichoterapeutai išgyvena atgimimą, bet apie asmenį, besilankantį pas psichiatrą, neretai vis dar kalbama pašnibždomis. Toks požiūris į psichinių sutrikimų turinčius žmones iš dalies gali būti vertinamas kaip sovietmečio padarinys, tačiau už šios srities stigmatizavimo m…